Parlour Palm Care
Light: Chamaedorea Elegans is shade tolerant, however brighter locations with plenty of indirect sunlight will help the Parlour Palm thrive.
Temperature: This plant thrives in average household temperatures: anything above 18°C, and needs a minimum of 10°C in winter.
Water: Water your Parlour Palm once the soil begins to dry-out. Ensure the plant has proper drainage to prevent root rot developing.
Humidity: Can tolerate some dry, indoor air, however increased humidity will help stave off brown leaf tips. Consider giving your palm the occasional misting.
Fertilizer: Feed twice a month during growing season.
Height & Growth Rate: Chamaedorea Elegans is a slow growing palm which usually reaches an ultimate indoor height between 1 and 1.5 metres.
Air purifying: Yes.
Toxicity: Non-toxic. Child & Pet Friendly.
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